Sunday, April 10, 2011

If I Remember Correctly...

Memory. What is memory exactly? Is it just something that happens or is there more to it? Well class, there is a lot more to it than you know! There are three types of memory. Sensory memory, short term and long term. I'm sure you have all heard of short term and long term. Most likely you have heard of these terms having something to do with memory loss. Such as amnesia. Amnesia is a loss of long term memory. At this point you may be wondering what sensory memory is. Well I'll tell you. Sensory memory is the first few seconds of information being taken in. In my life I have suffered from minor short term memory after getting a really big concussion in my first year of rugby. I got knocked in the head and was out cold for I don't even know how long. I don't exactly remember what happened but I got told the story by my entire team. I just know that when I woke up my rugby coach, which just so happened to be a doctor, was slapping me making sure I could wake up and then going to the hospital. I remember everything after that but before I got knocked out is kind of fuzzy and I can't recall it as well. I guess this is called interference theory because something is affecting my ability to remember what happened.

I'm not entirely sure how I am going to use this knowledge in my classroom. What I do know however is that when I start teaching I'm going to have an awesome story to tell the kids. I'll end up telling them eventually because I have a scar above my right eyebrow that is kind of hard to miss when my hair is short. So I'm sure I'll get asked about it and I'll tell them the epic tale of how it all happened. Hopefully after the story I'll be able to give them a moral so it's not just a story of me getting cranked in rugby.

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