Saturday, April 9, 2011

Go On...

You know, we really have no idea what teachers go through on a day to day basis. So far we have only been mere students. We have seen how teachers handle these kind of students and we never really put much thought into it. Maybe until high school but I know that I didn't think about it a whole lot. Special education is in every single school. There is more to special education than we know that. In education psychology we learned that special education has myths. One of them is that some people think there are two different types of learning and others think there is only one way of learning. What we don't realize is that there are a variety of ways to learn and it's our responsibility to provide said instruction in different ways to the students.

One question brought up in class was "how was it that we chose that there are people who are inferior?" Now, being that I may not be as smart as others I don't know if I would use the term inferior. I strongly believe that people learn at different paces and some may not understand the material at all. Take math for example: right now I can't do math to save my life but I know many others who could do it no problem! If I were to work at it and practice it then I may eventually get it. That's because I learn at a different pace than others. There is something that we can do as teachers to help this though. We could modify content, process and products. We can do this only through student readiness, interests and learning profiles. By readiness I mean we have to find out where the student is at and what their potential is. We should give them a number of opportunities to excel! Carol Ann Tomlinson was largely involved in the processes and the ideas in different instruction.
I hope you like the picture because I got a good laugh when I saw it! Not at her but it kind of looks like she's trying to scare people through a computer screen acting like a tyranasauras rex!

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